📚 3 Paths to Publish

So, you want to publish a book, eh?

Nobody can blame you. Publishing a book is a great way to capture your thinking in a snapshot that boosts your credibility as the person who literally "wrote the book on" your niche.

The only problem is, at least 80% of people want to write a book in their lifetime, but less than 1% actually publish one. Why is that?

Well, a lot of people do get caught up in the writing process, and that is difficult, but many people simply get rejected by the traditional publishing world, or more frequently don't even approach it because they don't know where to begin.

The first thing you need to know about today's publishing landscape is that there are actually three options to choose from.

Option #1: Traditional Publishing

For centuries this has been the primary way that books are printed and distributed, and this is still the source of the majority of books that you see in the bookstore and on bestseller lists every year.

This is a valid path, but will require an agent advocating on your behalf to shop a detailed book proposal around to prospective publishers.

Publishers are looking for good content, but also a clear marketing engine behind your book, in your platform.

Option #2: Self-Publishing

Self-publishing has always been an option, technically, but with the rise of on-demand printing and ebooks this option is both widely available and easily accessible.

Until recently, self-publishing had a stigma attached to it, but high-quality self-publishing is becoming more and more common.

The best part of self-publishing is that there is no one standing between you and a published book except for yourself—but that also means you're on your own.

When it comes to design strategy, launch strategy, and actually selling your book. . . you’re on your own.

Option #3: Hybrid Publishing Partnerships

A rising trend that presents an attractive option with the best of both worlds is hybrid publishing, with companies like Morgan James Publishing that set themselves up as partners with you, as an author.

Hybrid publishers still rely on you to provide the manuscript, but they can take on the typesetting, cover design, and actual publication (although they still require a book proposal process).

Hybrid publishers become your marketing partner for the book, selling copies of your book to traditional bookstores while you sell your book directly to consumers.

Hybrid publishers often have a lower barrier to entry than traditional publishers, and will also offer a much higher share of revenue from sales (although they typically offer little or no advance payment, so you will have a financial investment of some kind).

All three options are valid publishing options today, so what's your next step to publishing your book?