📨 Email 1,000+ Friends

Nathan Barry made a six-figure income from his platform in 2012. His two self-published books were popular references for app store developers, and he made extra income from consulting as well. Nathan published blog posts consistently, but his true success was due to consistent communication with his highly engaged list of email subscribers.

By all accounts, Nathan had achieved success as an online creator. He had discovered that an engaged email list was the keystone success strategy behind his platform, but the tools he relied on were clunky and difficult to use. Nathan was curious. Could he build a better email marketing software himself? Several months later, ConvertKit was born.

The Service of Email Software

When you’re building your online audience, you need a central hub to keep track of all your email subscribers. You need each person’s email address, at the very least, but it’s helpful if you can also keep track of each person’s name, key interests, and what resources they’ve downloaded from you.

Once you start offering products, you need to make doubly sure that you’re tracking customer purchases within each subscriber so you don’t try selling products to people who already bought. It’s nearly impossible to track all this info in your Gmail or Outlook contacts, and it doesn’t scale with your audience growth.

Besides, you legally need each subscriber to “opt-in” to your communication before you email them content, but you also need a clear option where they can click to “opt-out” or unsubscribe. To serve your audience well, you need each email to arrive feeling personal, as a 1-to-1 conversation with each subscriber—rather than a mass email blast.

What Nathan discovered pretty quickly was that the reason the tools available were clunky was that they weren’t designed for creators like him. The folks at MailChimp or Infusionsoft didn’t understand why he would want to give away an ebook in exchange for an email address—so naturally, the features weren’t there.

Created For Creators By Creators

Today, what sets ConvertKit apart from the alternatives is that it is the only email service provider designed primarily for content creators. Yes, that means ConvertKit is incredibly intuitive and has built-in forms and landing pages for building your email list (including easy-to-add downloads automatically built in).

Yes, that means ConvertKit blends into the background when you’re creating content, allowing you to send beautiful broadcasts or create advanced automations (even if you don’t know what that means). Yes, that means ConvertKit allows you to track subscriber-specific information based on purchases, downloads, or even which content on your website each subscriber reads.

Those features are crucial for any content creator, but the reason those features exist is even more important than that: ConvertKit is built for creators, by creators, with a team of people who have their own podcasts, video channels, and blogs.

That means software development, customer support, and training are all built for people like you, building an online platform today. If you’re committed to building an engaged email list, ConvertKit is the only email marketing platform I recommend. Even better, when you're just getting started it's now free to use. Create your free account at JohnMeese.com/ConvertKit