Get Googled 🙋

People "Google" questions nearly six billion times each day. Wouldn't you like to be the answer to their search?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is one of the five Growth Models, and it's focused on you becoming the source of key information your Target Customer is already searching for online.

I like to think of SEO as an adapted form of Viral Growth, where you’re relying on robots—not people—to refer your products as the Real Solution to a Real Problem your Real People have.

Google is the dominant search engine, but your target customer may also be searching on Pinterest, YouTube, Amazon, or elsewhere online.

Have you ever noticed how Wikipedia shows up as the #1 or #2 website for almost any generic search on Google? That’s because they’ve become the internet’s answer key for general knowledge.

You need to become the answer key to your industry, in order to reach your Real People when they’re searching for solutions.

How to Become Your Industry's Answer Key

Google's search algorithm has at least 200 different factors that determine which websites or answers they display in response to someone's search, and they're always changing.

It's a waste of time to focus on gaming the system—but remember why the algorithm exists.

Google doesn't have enough fast-typing monkeys to manually keep up with six billion daily searches, so they need a computer-run algorithm to function—but for Google to remain relevant, their objective with algorithm or monkey would be the same:

Give people a satisfying answer to their question.

Of course, Google almost never creates the answer for anything, they rely on other people to do that and then sort through answers as best their algorithm can—which is overwhelming when you consider a simple search like "how to start a food truck" has 755 million results!

To keep Google's reputation as the source of all knowledge (or at least the librarian with access to all knowledge), they prioritize content that has three primary traits:

  1. High-quality, in-depth content (fairly long and detailed with clear steps or sections)
  2. Easy to access (loads quickly without clutter confusing the content)
  3. Trusted by other industry authorities (linked to as reference material)

Any professional SEO strategists reading this lesson may groan in agony over how deceptively simple that sounds.

Yes, SEO Growth requires extensive focused effort just like any other Growth Model—but my goal here is to introduce each Growth Model so you can pick one to master, not to rush into the masterclass itself (just yet)

To grow your business with SEO Growth, focus on optimizing in-depth content to become a niche publication, creating content that’s so good other people will link to you.

That shows the robots you’ve got content worth seeing and sharing.