🤩 Success Stories Sell

It seems like everyone is a guru or an expert in something today, doesn't it? All you have to do is open any social media app and scroll once to be inundated with dozens of influencer experts who claim to have "the" solution to your problems, and some of them probably do... but many of them don't.

Unfortunately, that's the water you're swimming in while you create content online. You may actually have the solution people in your target audience genuinely need, but you're competing with a lot of noise that has led many would-be-customers to become skeptical, wondering if you're "the real deal" or can back up what you teach with results. That is why case studies are such a fantastic type of content that you can create.

Transformation & Testimony

Whether you create blog posts, videos, or do a live interview, people love case study content because it adds a human element to your results. When you create a case study, it can be as simple as sharing "Here's what worked with this client, and here's what happened for them" as long as you are clear that results may vary and you can't guarantee anyone's individual success.

If you've never created this type of content, simply invite a happy customer onto a video call that you record (with their permission) and ask them questions about their experience, and results. Most people are happy to talk about their story, and any success they've experienced, and this type of content resonates well with every group in your audience who is a good customer, or potential customer.

Your existing customers love reading, watching, or listening to stories from other customers because they find them encouraging and can find nuggets of insight into how they can improve their own performance, as well. Your potential customers love reading, watching, or listening to success stories because it encourages them that transformation is possible, which makes them more likely to buy.

Some skeptics roll their eyes at any case study you offer, and won't be interested, but the truth is those people are not likely to ever become paying customers at all. The point here is not to search for pie-in-the-sky life-changing before-and-after transformational stories (though if you have real stories like that, bring them on).

You can zero in on one customer's experience with a portion of what you offer, and how that helped them think differently, act differently, or get different results. Even small changes, from real people, are encouraging to us all (and you might find yourself encouraged while you're documenting the stories, as well).