What modern-day tragedy are you on a mission to eliminate?

What modern-day tragedy are you on a mission to eliminate?

I help smart professionals turn their wisdom into wealth by building a thriving online education business because that is part of my personal mission to end a tragedy that is going on today.

The cure to war, disease, poverty, and divorce is available—just not easily available online.

The world is full of incredibly smart professionals who spend decades collecting wisdom behind closed doors (or private Zoom calls) but that wisdom dies with them, leaving the rest of us to recreate the wheel over and over again while grasping in the dark.

There are therapists, accountants, coaches, and a hundred other categories of professionals meeting 1-on-1 with clients to help real people solve real problems, and many of them have found a methodology that works!

If smart professionals don’t create a scalable system to share their insight, countless people are left to live a life of pain, suffering, and regret because they’re not in the right time or place to learn from that professional 1-on-1.

Even worse, those same professionals who have the wisdom you and I crave to become happier, wealthier, and healthier are overworked and underpaid—slaves to a calendar full of meetings!

I grieve the injustice of keeping precious experience and knowledge trapped inside the brain of smart professionals like you.

My mission is to free that knowledge and experience, so you get to earn a lucrative living while genuinely helping people—making the world a better, wiser place.

What’s your tragedy?

As an entrepreneur, your job is to create real solutions to real problems for real people.

The world has no shortage of tragedies. What’s the tragedy you’re trying to prevent?

I often use this thought exercise to help clients get clear on the real problem they are solving, both to narrow their focus to a singular real problem and to fire them up for the work ahead.

One of my clients, ​Natalie Doyle Oldfield​, sells trust.

She is the author of The Power of Trust: How Top Companies Build, Manage and Protect It and a highly paid consultant for companies who want to build trust with their customers.

Her clients refer to her as their “secret weapon” but she doesn’t want that. She wants a steady stream of new clients who instantly understand how she can help them.

We worked together to clear on her tragedy, and all her work came into focus. Here’s what she shared:

Last week I held a 1-on-1 with a business owner from Sacramento who owns a tax-software agency. We quickly determined that generating new leads was not his issue, in fact he had more work on the books than he and his team could handle. Why was he calling me and what was his issue then?

He started the business in 2014, first working from a spare bedroom, then growing his team and renting an office. Now, 10 years in business, he had a team of 25 and business was booming.

The trouble was that most of his clients were left unsatisfied, reviews were poor, service was bad, repeat business and referrals were almost unheard of. His frustration, as he explained it, was that no one on his team cared as much for the customers as he did.

Last Thursday, at 6:30pm, he received a call from one of his long-term clients, who said, he was calling out of respect from years of doing business together, but the team working his account were ‘a bunch of know-it-alls’ that he couldn’t trust anymore and that was the final straw, he was changing providers.

That’s Natalie’s tragedy.

Most of her clients have teams of highly skilled technical talent with little to no customer service training. Often these are teams of accountants, engineers, or developers.

Sometimes these team members can barely make eye contact because they’re so uncomfortable dealing with customers, but as the company grows these specialists interact with the customer more and more without the business owner present.

With that clarity, Natalie was able to dial in the promise of her program:

Get repeat business and referrals by turning your front line people into trust champions.

Customers who trust you and your team to act in their best interest are more loyal, refer more, are willing to pay more, and will rate you higher on reviews.

Natalie now often reminds her clients that increasing client retention rates by 5% can increase profits by 25-95%.

Now you know Natalie’s tragedy and you know mine. What’s your tragedy?