Who Do You Trust? 🤨

Once upon a time, you would go to a doctor if you felt feverish, squeamish, or had a lump in your throat. They would inspect your symptoms to explain your condition and options to treat.

Nowadays, your first instinct is likely to do a bit of “research” first.

You type what you’re feeling into Google or WebMD.

You self-diagnose, learning what you probably have, and read a few articles or watch a video to learn how you should react.

You may even have your preferred path to recovery, using homeopathic essential oils or comparing the most popular prescription drugs.

After that (if you think that it’s serious) you’ll visit your Doctor to get help.

Dr. Theron Hutton, a member of my accelerator program, knows this. He shared with me,

we sell trustone treatment option that you recommend

The shift in the role of physicians is just one example of the many ways society has changed.

The Age of Information is Ending

I wrote about the end of the Age of Information in detail in Survive and Thrive, but you can visualize what this shift means by looking at your bookshelves today.

Not too long ago, it was a big deal to fill your bookshelves with a collection of robust encyclopedias filled with all kinds of information—but now all that information is multiplied a million times over on the internet, just a click away for free.

At first, that plethora of information was liberating! But quickly led to overwhelm.

A quick search on “How to treat a sore throat” yields 315 billion results.

You and I are drowning in information, so we don’t really want more options—we want one answer from an expert we can trust.

That explains the shift from the Age of Information to the Age of Insight, which is quickly taking place in every industry. The demand for trusted experts is immediate, but it is taking time for each business model to adapt, and catch up.

Why People Do (or Don't) Trust You

The Age of Insight is just beginning, and the planet is full of billions of people who want to become healthier, wealthier, and happier—but they need your help.

Everybody has questions, but the problem isn’t finding answers—it’s finding one answer you can trust.

In most cases, trial and error is a horrible and costly way to learn.

Still, you have a few areas in your life where you’ve already invested time, energy, and tears of real-world experience—why not get paid for what you already know?

We all have access to the same information, and can choose which information to study (and thus knowledge to collect).

Still, that knowledge doesn’t become wisdom until you had a healthy dose of real-world experience—using your knowledge in practice, and refining what you know.

Knowledge + Experience = Wisdom

If you feel weird calling what you have “wisdom” call it insight or experience. After all, experience is the only difference between you every other information junkie on the planet.

If you want my insight, join my accelerator program to turn your expertise into exponential income.